Sunday, September 24, 2017

Pregnancy Recap - Part 2

So, this is my continuation from my last post. Sorry it is taking me so long but I don't want to make a post that is like a book. So, I felt that splitting it up would make it better.  As you notice most of my updates were Thursdays and that was because it was my turn over day.

Thursday, November the 24th - 25 weeks pregnant

Wow week 25: where do i begin. This past week I have been having real contractions. Landed
myself in L&D to figure out what was causing them and we never really did. Ultrasound, Cervix and Urine all normal. Although the doctors were adamant that I had a UTI. They were so sure. So I am now on modified bed rest. Baby Boy is 2lbs already so we are definitely going to have a big baby!! I have 12 weeks out of 10 to go so this baby better hang in there!! #BJKGM #rainbowbaby🌈 #babyboy💙#25weekspregnant #12weekstogo

Thursday, December the 1st - 26 weeks pregnant

Week 26: omg!! I have 11 weeks until I get to see my baby 👶🏼 boy!! This weeks it's been good. Symptoms: nausea has come back in full swing so thank goodness for Gravol. I have a weird pain in the right side of my upper abdomen which I've had with every pregnancy. So I have to go back and forth with hot and cold compresses. Little girl miss Aubrie decided to give me her cold AGAIN!! Other then that things have calmed down. I go for my appointment on Wednesday and get to see my baby!! #babyboy💙 #26weekspregnant #BJKGM #rainbowbaby🌈 #11weeksleft

At this point its been so long that I will redirect everyone to my Instagram account where all the updates were. I have so much stuff to update on and have just been so crazy busy. I definitely have learned the power of scheduling.  Thanks for sticking around.  


Thursday, March 23, 2017

Pregnancy Recap

I feel horrible not keeping up with my blog and keeping you guys up to date with the pregnancy. I mean I update Instagram, it would of taken me minutes to make a post and add a picture but to be truthful honest, I was very moody and not myself at all. It was like a totally different person took over my body and was pregnant for me. I honestly didn't enjoy it at all but would of never changed it for the world as I am very thankful for our child!

Anyway, I guess I'll start from where I left off....

Wednesday, October the 12th - 19 weeks pregnant

I went in for Anatomy Scan and it went fantastic. The baby was growing normally, there was no abnormalities and we found out what we were having. Before I could even sit up off the bed, my DH had already texted everyone we knew and posted to Facebook. I was so angry and annoyed but knew that it was out of pure excitement.

As I said pure excitement as he was finally getting his son. Not that we wouldn't of been happy with a girl because truthfully I was actually expecting it to be a girl and when the tech show us the screen I was like thats no Hamburger -get it LOL 😂🤣- It was definitely a Turtle!! I cried, I couldn't believe it. Pure shock was what I was feeling and honest I was looking forward to buying those cute little bows and dressers again but this was different. I was going to be able to walk down the other side that was off limits. Until that moment everything changed. 

Thursday, October the 27th - 21 weeks pregnant 

Omg!! I can't believe we have made it this far!! Baby Boy is getting big in fact I think he might be measuring a week ahead. Symptoms this week: still a bit of nausea, Heartburn is horrible!, and headaches have come back for vengeance and Trouble. Also he is moving up a storm. Loves to kick my bladder through out the night. I really haven't gained anything I have lost 35lbs in total. #BJKGM #21weekspregnant #rainbowbaby #mybabyboy💙 #gettingexcited 

Wednesday, November the 2nd - 21 weeks and 6 day pregnant  - Ultrasound

Got to see my baby boy today! Gah!! I am so in love with him already!! Look at that profile!!

Thursday, November the 3rd - 22 weeks pregnant 

Week 22! So exciting as we are getting closer to meeting our baby boy! This week I have had issues. I developed a kidney infection and have had some practice Braxton Hicks. I also feel a sinus infection coming on. 😞😖 everything else feels alright. Headaches are still on the rise. Other then that I feel great!! Baby boy is moving so much. #mybabyboy💙 #gettingexcited #rainbowbaby🌈 #BJKGM

Thursday, November the 17th - 24 weeks pregnant

I am never late with this update but better late then never right!? Week 23: Spent 30 hours in the hospital 🏥possible blood. Horribly sick 😷 still but now home. 🏡 Still a chance I did have a blood clot but baby boy is doing fantastic and is kicking and moving up a storm. I can't believe how quickly all of a sudden we are moving through.  he will be here before we know it. #23weekspregnant #BJKGM #babyboy💙 #rainbowbaby🌈 #myvalentine

Yay!! We are at the viable stage!! If he were too me now we have a great chance of survival. Week 24: Working on my recovery this week and trying to get better #hatebeingsick #myvalentine #rainbowbaby🌈 #babyboy💙 #BJKGM #24weekspregnant

All I'll leave you here for now.. I will be posting more of my recap as well as my labour and delivery story. Till next time. Love ya all so so much! ♥︎

Tuesday, March 21, 2017

Welcome Back.... I apologize!

Hello, if you've landed on my page welcome to Mama's Lemonade. I want to first start and apologize to my previous readers about my absents. It's been a crazy few months and as you can tell New Year, New Name and New look. I hope that you will continue to follow me on my journey.

Next I want to welcome all the new readers. My name is Chantelle, I am a Canadian Mom to 4 kids, youngest is just a Newbie. 5 weeks tomorrow. I write about #Momlife, our travels, our heartache, our troubles, kids product reviews and our journey through parenthood. I hope that you enjoy my blog and stay a while our journey is always interesting. 

I am working on new content as we speak at this very moment. Some Blogs to look forward to within the next week: Pregnancy Journey, Birth of Our Son, Mama Approved: The Pocket Nanny, Mama Approved: HoMedics MyBaby SoundSpa On-the-Go, Mama Approved: Skip Hop Forma Diaper Bag and much much more. I can't wait to start this journey.  

Love you all so so much.  ♥︎

Sunday, October 30, 2016

September 2016 Review

Wow I can't believe it's been this long and I haven't updated you guys on whats been going on. Although not much we have been through two months.

September 2016

6th- OMG! The first day of school for the girls and the first day for my job as a crossing guard. So excited and so are the girls... DD#3 starts her first year of JK (if you're reading from another country... here in Canada, once you reach the age of 4 you start Grade school. We start two years of Kindergarten first JK and Then SK and then go in to Gr. 1), She is just so ready other then the potty training that has not happened, thank goodness for the school that has agreed to take her with being in diapers - well pull ups -.

1st- KITTENS!! We had kittens...again!! Yup.. we didn't know our cat was pregnant again and we definitely didn't realize that our male got her before getting fixed. I was kinda annoyed but excited. Believe me I love my animals but being pregnant and taking care of 3 kids and 3 cats and a dog fulltime plus chickens is a lot of work. We love having animals of all different shorts but when you add more to the count it makes more work and takes more time. She did have a litter of 3 but unfortunately it being the long weekend we came back to having one kitten who had past away. She ended up with one male and one female in the end. We had some worry about the female because she had "frog legs" she wasnt able to walk with them but over the period of October she has greatly improved. The male however has been amazing. Very independent and very strong willed.

Around the same time we also put our beloved trailer up for sale. Yes I have a post if you're wondering what it looks like see May 2016 Recap but we decided that the park was just not meant for us as there was not a lot of things for our kids to do and we were tired of the drama.  We are planning on possibly getting another day the road after baby but right now we are happy with our decision to sell.

21st- I have my 16 week ultrasound today and we are hoping find out the gender today but little one had other plans had decided to cross their legs and put their foot under their butt.. It was actually quiet funny.. already being like their mother. I can't not wait to find out though. I was a trying to keep it a surprise but being a mother of 3 I feel like I need to know, it's hard finding gender neutral clothing.

28th- Attended and joined the Parent Council today. I am not officially the treasurer of my girls school. Kinda Nervous and exciting but definitely getting out of my comfort level.

29th-Oct1st- We decided to take a small family Vacation to our favourite place Niagara Falls.. This time we stayed at the Skyline Inn. I made a post review on Facebook about our stay which was great. Also, we decided to go to the Fallsview Waterpark. Absolutely worth every penny. We loved it. The girls had a blast and weren't bored and to be honest we really didn't miss the usually riding around town, boat riding type of visit. We did visit the arcade in the Sheridan this time which is right across the street - well behind the casino - . If you're planning a visit definitely look at this hotel!!

Other then these updates not much has gone on for September. Please stay tune for October's update next week. Leave a comment, let me know that you've been here and if you have a blog or a vlog.

Wednesday, August 24, 2016

Twelve Week Ultrasound

Monday morning was probably the worst morning I have ever had. I hardly slept the night before. - If you haven't already and would like to here is the link to my direct miscarriage story last year.Now once you read that you'll understand exactly where I am coming from or you may have done through this yourself.

Anyway, as I was saying I was extremely nervous, my aniexty was in full force and I was just wanting to get the ultrasound over with.  We arrived at the hospital for our appointment (DH came with) and we checked in. Once checked in you're asked to wait in the waiting room with other VERY pregnant women and in my head I was thinking, oh how I wish I didn't have to worry about anything and I want to just get there and be that big and out of breath and be able to feel my baby move. I couldn't talk to anyone, I couldn't think. It was an insane feeling for me. I have never been this way in any pregnancy but since my losses it has been hard. It felt like I was in a bad dream and it was never going to end.

We waited for a good hour before the one tech called me in and she wasn't like the last tech I had for my first ultrasound at the hospital. She was professional and kinda rude - Rant: which honestly I don't understand. If you're going to work with people who are pregnant and you're going to be in kinda personal space then i think you should be somewhat of a professional but also a people person. There is no reason be rude. End of Rant - she told me to lay on the bed and put my end at the very top and lay still so, I did just that. She told me to relax and i told her that all I wanted to know was if there was a heartbeat or not. She said how come and I said that I had a miscarriage last year at 12 weeks and just was going nuts. She started ultrasound and the only thing she said to me was you have a jumping bean with a great heartbeat.

The feeling of relief is unreal. I don't even know how to explain the feeling that came over me in the moment. My emotions were all over the place, I felt like I could just cry tears of joy in that moment but I also wanted to scream with happiness and thank the lord for allowing me to carry a child again.

Anyway the appointment went. Doctor said that everything is great. Baby has no sign of down syndrome at this point and I go back for my next appointment on September 21st.

I announced out pregnancy to Facebook world yesterday and I was overly excited to share the news. I know that this will have a great outcome and I am so very thankful for this baby.

Friday, August 19, 2016

Potty Training... Fail!

So the week has been long and she was doing well until we got to Tuesday and we had used every single pair of underwear we had bought her. So, I did laundry and of course had her in a pull-up well doing that. Well that back fired. I mean she is a hard one. Poop in the toilet master, the one thing that is suppose to be the hardest is the easiest and the pee is another story.

Being pregnant and already have horrible mood swings,
adding potting training is not great for the nerves but we have a week and half to accomplish this or at least getting down to at least one accident a day not a million. I truly don't understand she is really good for going most of the time and others she just thinks it hilarious when she pees on the floor. Like I stated in my last blog I really don't believe in treating them for using the toilet I just praise her and let her know that a she is a big girl but what do you do for when she pees purposely on the floor and in her undies. Ugh!! I am so, frustrated.

So... The last few days she has been in pull-ups AGAIN>>> I know MOMMY FAIL!

She goes away this weekend to my parents along with her sisters and I plan to start next week again with potty training... starting Tuesday since Monday I have my 12 week appointment and ultrasound 😀.  

What did you do, that work for you while potty training? Give me some advice in the comments below! 

Sunday, August 14, 2016

Potty Training A 4 Year Old

Now I am not an expert at all in this territory believe with two already out diapers 8 and 6, I vaguely remember Potty Training my first child, although I do remember what happened with DD#2. She was 3 and I did the shirt with nothing else on method. We had a week and I was confident she was ready. So out we went to Wal-Mart and bought her underwear that she picked and if I remember correctly they were Strawberry shortcake. The first day she worn nothing and had maybe 1 accident, every time she would go I would do a huge celebration, dance and give her a prize... Candy! The second day she had no accidents and I was oh this is a piece of cake, she is the easiest I have ever had to train and She is going to be potty trained no problem and thats what happen by the third she would go when she needed to and she started wearing underwear and had no accidents what so ever. So Day 4 we decided that we needed to go shopping well heres where it got interesting. She wouldn't tell me when she had to go and now most people would put a diaper on their kid but me I put underwear and pair of pants (of course) and brought two extra sets (I also brought diapers just incase i ran out). Now she only had one accident and that was because she couldn't hold her pee and we made to the toilet but in time for her to take her pants to pee. So technically speaking she did go in the toilet but we had to clean it up and change out pants and underwear and continue shopping. The next few days were great until we got to the weekend. She decided she want to regress and wanted to become a baby again and wear diapers. Wanted nothing to do with the underwear and the process of going to the potty. I was upset, I thought that she had it under control and there would be no diapers and we would only have to buy one set of diapers for DD#3 but I was wrong. So, she went back into diapers. Now through the week I had her in a diaper at night so that didn't change. I felt that maybe she had been a bit rushed and now she didn't have the confidence she needed. So I allowed to have her diapers and when was comfortable about a week later I found her one night with her diaper off and sleeping. Now I wanted to put the diaper back on back she was so awkwardly position I left her. I felt that if she wanted to have it on she would. The next morning she put her underwear after peeing and when I checked her bed, it was dry. From this point on she was done. Potty trained Ready to go. I was in shock. It was a proud day in our household and we definitely celebrated by going to the Dollarama and going to Wal-mart and buying some more underwear.

Moving on to today... for DD#3 she is currently 4 and few months and I have tried to potty her in the past and failed. She was doing great and then regressed for a long time. So, now there is reward there is the reminder. I am not going to reward my child for something that I know she knows how to do. She is lazy and would rather wear pull-ups. So, we are now officially into day #2 and so far Day 1 we had 2 accidents and that was it. She knows when she has to go. She has also gone poop twice. So I would say that Day 1 was a huge success!! Lets see how Day 2 goes... I will update you all tomorrow!!